
Sunday, April 24, 2011

ASESE&UA resolves to continue initiatives, will also spread awareness on opportunities available for unemployed youth

GANGTOK, 22 April: “The tasks we have initiated, we will continue doing and make sure that we finish everything we have started, and for this, the support and trust shown by the people of Sikkim will be needed,” said Nawin Kiran, president, All Sikkim Educated Self Employed & Un-Employed Association, while speaking to media persons here today. The ASESE&UA, he informed, resolved so at an executive body meeting held recently.
The unemployment problem, he said, “really needs to be looked into” and tackled.
“The government has many schemes for the unemployed, but most of the unemployed persons do not know about these schemes, so the association will act as a bridge and fill the gap between the government and the unemployed,” he said.
“We have spoken on this issue with the concerned department and they have agreed to let us help, therefore by doing this, we will be able to give a platform to the youth and the unemployed. But most importantly we intend to hold seminars on these schemes of the government for the information of the unemployed,” he added.
The association also plans to open a grievance cell for the unemployed youth at its office, where the youths can come and file their grievances and problems faced regarding various matters concerning employment, he further informed.
Meanwhile, Khagendra Dakhal [joint secretary, ASESE&UEA] has “warned” those on service extension in the State government to get ready for a “confrontation.”
“The extension holders are taking up many posts that can give employment to many unemployed youth and so they have no right to continue on extension,” he said.
Mohan Rai [publicity secretary, ASESE&UEA] questioned the State government on the recently held two-day bandh called by the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] party. “The SDF called a two-day bandh where they had placed a 31-point list of demands, so I would like to ask how many of these 31 demands have been fulfilled; what was the outcome of the bandh and most importantly what were the benefits for the unemployed [for whom the bandh had been called]?
Tirtha Sharma [member, ASESE&UEA] spoke on the issue of taxes that the State government had raised recently. “On one hand the Chief Minister announces a budget for the youth and speaks of youth in his speeches and then the government goes ahead and raises taxes to be paid under various heads, so how are the youth going to earn when they have to pay taxes higher then their earnings,” he said and added that it was time for the government to think on tax benefits and making slabs in taxes to be paid to the government, especially by the youth doing business in the state.


  1. they have not been able to remove even one official who has been serving the government on extension even after his/her retirement so how can we rely on their credentials... ASESE&UA has to really show some results to prove theemselves or else they will be part of history. success counts and hope you are able to rake in even one success story of your agitation soon

  2. It is time ASESEUA admitted that it is a toothless organisation. No amount of pressure works on the government which has such a massive majority. Joblessness doesn't exist in Sikkim, the figures claimed by the organisation are manufactured out of pure malice. People here are happy, prosperous and have plenty to keep themselves occupied with. For those who have no source of entertainment unlike others who go to offices, they can amuse themselves at such wonderful places like Pub25, Indulge, Cacoa and Live and Loud. Drink beer and coffee but please don't crowd the streets of our town with ur slogans...the traffic is bad anyway.


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