
Saturday, March 5, 2011

SDF’s birth, a turning point for the better in Sikkim: Gyaltsen

GANGTOK, 05 March: “The birth of the Sikkim Democratic Front on 04 March 1993 was an important turning point in the history of Sikkim as the day gave birth to the visionary leadership of Pawan Chamling,” said Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly KT Gyaltsen, while addressing the constituency-level celebration of the party’s foundation day here at Guards Ground, Tathangchen yesterday.

“The SDF party is the party of the people and was born to protect the rights of the Lepchas, Bhutias, Nepalis and the Old Settlers of Sikkim,” he contended.
“This is the fourth term of the SDF party in the state and this has been possible because of the party’s programmes, good policies and above all the leadership of Mr. Chamling as the party president and Chief Minister,” Mr. Gyalsten, who is also the Syari MLA, said.
Moreover, the SDF party has always shown the right way to the people and thereby the people too had endorsed their trust by keeping the party in power for the last 18 years, he stressed.
“According to the promises of the party which we had made to the people during the 2009 elections, most of the works are being sanctioned on priority and although it has just been two years, the people can already see work underway in all spheres,” he claimed, while adding that few works which were pending were also being processed.
He also gave a detailed report of all the developmental works underway in the Syari constituency. Priority is being given to schools and educational institutions, he shared, while adding that a car park at Chandmari, renovation of monasteries, SNT Quarters at Saramsa, a Dicheling to Bhusuk Road and work on roads all over the constituency were being undertaken with some nearing completion.
He also spoke on the vision of the Chief Minister of making Sikkim an organic and a poverty-free state by 2015 and added that for this to happen the people need to work together.
In conclusion, he went over the programmes and policies of the SDF party and highlighted that there was no alternative to either the SDF party or the leadership of Mr. Chamling in Sikkim.
Earlier, the message of the Chief Minister to the supporters on the party’s foundation day was read out by Prem Karki [publicity wing, SDF], while Usha Tamang [vice convenor] spoke on women’s empowerment, party discipline and responsibilities, Umakanta Sharma [Panchayat, Nandok] spoke on the role of youth and Dawa Pintso Lepcha [Panchayat] spoke on organic and dairy farming.
A cultural programme by students from all over the constituency was also performed. Also present on the dais were KN Topgay [Mayor, Gangtok Municipal Corporation] and senior SDF party workers.

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