
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pratima Gurung selected to coach Indian women’s junior team for world championship

Pratima Gurung [pic above] from Sikkim has been selected to coach the Indian junior women’s team for the upcoming 1st World Junior Women Boxing Championship to be held in Antalya, Turkey from 25 to 29 April.
She has become the first lady coach from Sikkim to coach the national team.
Ms Gurung was selected by the Indian Boxing Federation from a final shortlist of 6 coaches from different parts of the country who had attended the India junior women coaching camp at Visakhapatnam.
She will be accompanying the chief coach of the team, IV Rao to the championship.

A strong and respected pugilist of her time, she won many medals for the state at national and regional level competitions.
After completing her diploma in boxing from the National Institute of Sports, Patiala, in 2008, Ms Gurung decided to enter into the field of coaching.
Ms Gurung has a two-year-old child and is presently employed with the Sikkim Police.
Speaking to NOW! today, Ms Gurung shared that she was elated with her selection and saw it an encouragement.
She is now hopeful to coach women boxers of Sikkim in the future.
State Chief Boxing Coach, Arjuna Awardee, Jaslall Pradhan, mentioned that she was a talented pugilist with lots of potential to do better in the field of boxing.
He pointed out that she was now a full-fledged professional coach and if she continued with her hardwork then, she has potential to achieve bigger goals.
Mr Pradhan stated that if the state would take her services then the upcoming women boxers here would benefit much.
He also mentioned that Pratima is now a source of inspiration for the upcoming women pugilists in the state.
Ms Gurung started boxing very late, when she was already in college and played her first bout in the 1st Junior National Boxing Championship held in Gangtok in 2004 and also won a bronze medal for the state.
It was informed that after that she had won many medals for the state in different level tournament included a silver medal in the Senior National Boxing Championship.

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