
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inner Wheel ladies organize elocution contest for juniors

GANGTOK: The Inner Wheel Club of Gangtok, the women’s arm of the Rotary Club, has effected a new initiative. Convinced that personality development can, and should, begin at the infant stage, IWC organized an open elocution contest on Sunday for children of classes I & II in group A and classes III, IV & V in group B, under the purview of their Kala Niketan project at St. Thomas’ School.
Children of  schools from in and around Gangtok participated. Prior to the competition, training was also provided at Kala Niketan. The objective behind this programme is to help children overcome stage fright, thus enabling them to speak infront of an audience.

The juniors excelled and must be lauded for their effort and enthusiasm. No less was the pride and exhilaration on the faces of their parents and guardians as they watched and heard their little ones extol upon the virtues of nature and other related topics. For many it was probably their first foray on stage, a very positive step towards their personality development.
The judges for the elocution were Geeta Nirola, Sujata Purohit and Mira Oberoi
In group A the first  and second prizes in English elocution were snapped up by Jigdel Chopel Bhutia and Cheshta Mundra respectively, both of Mt. Zion School, and the third prize was tied by  Rigzin Ongchen of Taktse International School, Sneha Chettri of Baha’I and Manya Mundra of TNA.
For Hindi elocution Hardik Garg of Holy Cross took the 1st prize, while Kunzel Ozer Bhutia of Mt. Zion took the 2nd prize.
In Group B, the 1st and 2nd prizes for English went to Rikzim W Dorjee and Tshrangla Shangdarpa respectively, both of Taktse International School, and the 3rd prize to Semchung of TNA.
For Hindi Muskan Garg of Holy Cross took the 1st prize, while the 2nd prize was won by Saransh Sarda of TNA.
The Nepali 1st prize went to Samminev R Gajmer also from Mt. Zion and the 2nd prize went to Ujjwal Chettri of Kyi-de-Khang.

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