
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Village Cottage Industry office opened in Kyongsee

GANGTOK, 01 Feb:
Sikkim Himalayan Green Group, a registered voluntary organisation, inaugurated its Village Cottage Industry Administrative Office cum Office of the Creative Self Help Group at Kyongsee, under Karthok-Namcheybong Gram Panchayat Unit in Pakyong Sub-Division, yesterday.
Bhima Kanta Gurung, Chairperson, State Social Welfare Board, was present as the chief guest accompanied by Puran Chetri, District Youth Coordinator of the Nehru Yuva Kendra [Gangtok] and Mohan Shrama, joint secretary of Indreni Pariwar, an SHGG press release informs.
The Administrative Office has been appointed after repairing the annexure office of SHGG under a “Work Camp Programme”, sponsored by the NYK and undertaken from 27 to 31 Jan, it is informed.
The facility includes a manufacturing-cum-machine unit, packaging section, noodle shed hall and a small exhibition cum sale counter for products made by the Creative SHG, Lakshya SHG and Asha SHG.
Laxmi Rai, president of the Creative SHG, informed the inaugural session that the noodle-manufacturing cottage industry was the outcome of an awareness generation programme for “Rural and Poor Women” implemented by the SHG with support from the Central Social Welfare Board in March 2008.
She thanked the Sikkim Rural Development Agency for facilitating the SHG to take up a stall at the Saras Mela held at Jorethang during the Maghey Sankrati celebrations there. It was here that the SHG members were visited by the Chief Minister who interacted with the SHG members and assured them help in their initiatives. The SHG is proud of the remarks he left in the visitor’s log book after his visit and are now looking forward to meet him with a proper proposal soon.
The chief guest for the inaugural session, Ms. Gurung, in turn, briefed the gathering on the aims and objectives of the State Social Welfare Board.
Work Camp participation certificates were handed over to the 32 individuals who participated in it. The participants included representatives from Nagbeli Pragati Sangh, Jan Sewa Samity, Lakshya Self Help Group, Asha Self Help Group and local youths.

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