
Friday, February 25, 2011

Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland formed in Sikkim

GANGTOK, 25 Feb:  ‘Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland’, a self- professed non-political organization, was officially launched here in the capital today. Congressman Bharat Basnett, former chairperson of the ruling SDF party, CC Shengderpa and other executive members of the forum held a press conference here to speak on the initiation and also announce the forum’s first public meeting called for 06 March at the private bus stand at Deorali.

Ms. Shengderpa, the convener of the Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland [SFG], explained that the need for establishing the forum was felt when the members participated in the candle light rally taken out in Gangtok protesting the Sipshu police firings on 8 February in Dooars, West Bengal in which three GJMM supporters were killed. “It was then when we realized that it was time that even Sikkim spoke openly in support of the Gorkhaland demand as we know that only a peaceful neighborhood can ensure a peaceful home”, she expressed during the press conference.
Mr. Basnett who is also the chief convener of the Forum, in his address, highlighted that the aim of the forum will be to provide all support to the Gorkhaland movement from the Sikkim side and also to ‘motivate’ the people of Sikkim to stand united with the people of Darjeeling in ‘these dreaded times of autocratic West Bengal government rule’.
“We want our brothers and sisters in Darjeeling to know that they are not alone in this genuine and constitutional demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland. We have remained silent for a long time and since we all feel deeply about this issue it is now time that we took the right step and spoke openly for our neighbours and history shall speak for itself”, explained Mr. Basnett.
While stating that the West Bengal government had now opted for a “fascist system under Buddhadeb Bhattacharya”, he exhorted that the people of Sikkim should now understand that the demand for Gorkhaland was not an isolated issue since it had taken a turn towards “human rights violation” which every citizen of the country had the responsibility to oppose in a democratic setup.
“We do not believe in Sikkim- Darjeeling merger since we believe that both areas have their own history, however as aware citizens of this free nation we should openly support what we believe in irrespective of our political beliefs and rise above politics to say what we feel is right. How long can we keep our sympathy for Darjeeling and its demand for Gorkhaland bottled up inside us? How can we stand this inhumane tactics of the West Bengal government towards the hill people,” questioned Mr. Basnett.
He also made some suggestions to the people and political parties of the Darjeeling Hills and said that “all political parties in Darjeeling Hills should now leave aside their political agendas and work in a united fashion for the demand of Gorkhaland”.
He also suggested that Amar Bangla, an organization that believed in representing the Bengali community, should also stop their “degrading- tactics” and “showcase what Bengali ethics and culture actually spoke for”.
 Similarly, he on behalf of the forum also suggested that the Adavasi Vikash Parishad first “contemplate their position in the state of West Bengal and then decide if the demand for Gorkhaland was a justified demand or not”. Lastly, he also said that the government of Sikkim should now “stand tall on its assurances to the people of the Darjeeling Hills and also take up this demand to the highest level and support the demand for Gorkhaland outwardly”.
The forum also announced its executive body today; they are - former Panchayat President, Samdur, Mohan Dahal as the advisor, Rudra Khatiwada as the general secretary and former SNPP candidate from Singtam, Nandalal Darjee as the publicity secretary. The forum also has plans to hold public meetings on the issue at the village level starting today.

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