
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sachet Swarojgar Berojgar Sangathan condemns media speculation on Karmapa

GANGTOK, 02 Feb: Sikkim Sachet Swarojgar Berojgar Sangathan, an association of self-employed and unemployed Sikkimese youth, has condemned, what it brands “sinful allegations” by the media which is seeking to paint the XVIIth Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje as a Chinese agent.
In a press statement issued today, the president of the association, Karma Gyurmey Bhutia, has conveyed the hurt being felt by the Karmapa’s followers all over the world over the manner in which the media running speculative pieces projecting the Karmapa as a Chinese plant in India.
“It is to be noted and analysed that mere possession of foreign currencies does not prove a person anti-national. Therefore, how can His Holiness be blamed or accused as being anti-India on mere finding foreign currencies in his possession?” Mr. Bhutia states.
“Buddhists are hugely outraged by these false allegations against him [the Karmapa]. Therefore, we request the Government of India… to take appropriate action so that the false allegations and news are stopped and a strict action taken against the persons responsible for it,” he concludes.

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