
Saturday, February 19, 2011

FAITH VINDICATED: Karmapa supporters welcome ‘clean chit’, reiterate “Karmapa for Rumtek” demand

a NOW! file-foto of an impromptu candlelight vigil taken out in Gangtok
some time back in support of the Karmapa. 
GANGTOK, 19 Feb: The Joint Action Committee [for the Karmapa], a representation of 18 Buddhist organizations of Sikkim, and the Karmapa Reception Committee have jointly welcomed the “clean chit” given to the XVIIth Karmapa Ogyen Trinley by the Congress-led UPA government and have expressed their gratitude towards the Prime Minister, the UPA Chairperson, Home Minister and the Home Secretary “for laying to rest all allegations leveled against the Karmapa”. Reinvigorated by this latest development, they have also reiterated the "Karmapa to Rumtek" call.

At a joint Press conference held here at Hotel Tibet this afternoon, representatives of the two organisations commended the Home Secretary’s “understanding” of the “very innocent” nature of the financial oversight of the Karmapa’s monastic managers “born out of ignorance”. The two organizations also informed that the Home Secretary also went on to advise them on how to handle the financial aspects of the Karmapa’s institutions in future.
The members also expressed how indebted they were to the “tireless efforts” of Spalzes Angmo, Member, National Commission for Minorities, for leading a delegation at the Centre.
“All Buddhists throughout the world have unflinching conviction and faith in His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Tinley Dorje and it is a vindication of our faith in him and the institution of the Karmapa. We know that his Holiness is beyond reproach and is the embodiment of all which is pure and sacred, a living Bodhisattva. But times in history have had difficulty periods for which a guardian has emerge to insulate His Holiness. At the risk of sounding condescending we believe, that has happened; truth has prevailed”, stated KT Bhutia, general secretary of the Karmapa Reception Committee today on behalf of the entire Karmapa institution and the lakhs of devotees all around the world.
Also addressing the press briefing were Kunzang Sherap, president, JAC, Sonam Topden, general secretary, JAC, Thukchuk Lachungpa, spokesperson JAC and representatives of various Buddhist organisations including the Tamang and Gurung associations.
It was also highlighted during the press conference that never has a clean chit been given so promptly in recent memory of scams and misconduct, proving that there was “not an iota of substance in the allegations which were floated”.
“We are thankful to the central government, especially the Home Ministry for their unequivocal statement dissolving all allegations leveled against His Holiness the Karmapa”, stated Mr. Lachungpa during the meeting today.
Further, he said that in this spirit of “profound hope” and “invigorating confidence”, the organisations would once again appeal to the central government to allow the Karmapa to visit Sikkim and take his rightful place at Rumtek.
He also informed that a delegation of the organisations will also soon call on the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling, and submit a memorandum reiterating this aspiration so that it could be pursued with the Central authorites. Similarly the organisations also plan to hold meetings in Darjeeling and Kalimpong regarding the same matter.
Lastly, it was also stated that the people of Sikkim strongly believe in the democratic tradition of the country and that it was in this rich tradition that the organisations once again appealed to the Central Government to allow his Holiness to come and take his rightful place at Rumtek.

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