
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dipudara’s hydel woes genuine: SDM

GANGTOK, 17 Feb: After visiting Dipudara village near Singtam, which has been imperiled by Teesta Stage V hydel project of the NHPC, SDM [Gangtok], Dr. AB Karki, today informed that he had found the complaints of the villagers to be genuine. [for background on the Dipudara situation, click here and here]
While speaking to NOW!, the SDM, who was at Dipudara yesterday, said, “There is definite seepage from the head race tunnel and the houses in the area have also developed cracks.”
When asked on the permanent solution demanded by the villagers, he said, “We are now taking steps towards a permanent solution for which the East District administration will be convening a tripartite meeting with the affected people [along with panchayat members] and the officials of the NHPC on Saturday, 19 February.”
On the demand of the affected people that NHPC should acquire their lands, the SDM said, “After the meeting, the area will be jointly inspected by officials from the Mines & Geology Department and the Geological Survey of India.”
He adds, “If the report of the joint inspection declares the area vulnerable, we will direct the NHPC to acquire the affected lands.”
On the complaints that repairs will not solve the problem, he said, “The proposed repair works will be carried out by a team of the technical experts and the DAC will monitor the work to be sure that it is satisfactorily carried out.”

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