
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Convoy of 133 vehicles makes it from Siliguri to Gangtok

GANGTOK, 12 Feb: Where Sikkim sent out 92 vehicles [click here for details] in a convoy to Siliguri today, a phenomenal [for a bandh on the highway] 133 vehicles crossed into Sikkim at Rangpo this afternoon. These vehicles started arriving at Rangpo at 2 p.m., informs the Rangpo PI Sonam Wangdi. All vehicles were part of a West Bengal Police escorted convoy.

The PI informs that this convoy of 133 vehicles was made up of 19 LPG “bullets”, 15 SNT trucks which included supply trucks for the FCI and the army, 2 truckloads of vegetables and 97 light vehicles [taxis and private].
No untoward incident was reported and all vehicles made it to Sikkim without incident. Today is Day-4 of the indefinite bandh called in the Darjeeling Hills by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to protest the 08 February police firing at Sibchu in West Bengal which claimed the lives of two GJM supporters. This time, the purview of the bandh has been extended to the NH31A [in portions which fall in Darjeeling district] as well and has affected connectivity to Sikkim.

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