
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

At Mayalmu Sangh’s destitute home...

GANGTOK, 09 Feb: Mayalmu Sangh, a destitute home for the mentally unstable, located at Metro Point, Tadong in Gangtok, were yesterday presented with a donation purchased from profits earned from a New Year’s party organised by a recently-formed NGO, Sikkimey Jan Sewa Samiti [SJSS], along with Dirty Angels Bikers Club and Quixotic Entertainment [an event management company]. A 2000 litre Sintex water-tank along with some kitchenware were presented by the SJSS president, Tshering Wangchuk Lepcha, to the Mayalmu Sangh president, Bindya Gurung.
The destitute home was established in 2008, starting with three inmates and now houses 30.
Ms. Gurung, while speaking to media persons, informed that the Home now needs to move into a larger space since the present rented accommodation is already too cramped. They have requested for allotment of a 100 x 100 feet plot to construct a proper Home to house the increasing number of inmates.
“We have approached the Chief Minister’s office but have not been able to get an appointment so far. We were then asked to keep an application ready for the purpose, which we have and are now waiting for an appointment to process the request,” she informed.
Water supply and lack of clothes for inmates are the other problems that the Home is facing at the moment, she added, appealing to the public to donate old and discarded clothes. She further expressed her gratitude towards all past and present sponsors, donors and those who have extended support to the home.
“Our ultimate objective is to help all mentally ill destitute from across the state,” she added.
SJSS’s Mr. Lepcha, while appreciating the Sangh’s efforts towards providing shelter to the mentally ill, expressed the need to encourage and support such work.
On the SJSS, he informed that there are 10 members as of now and aim at involving youth from all the four districts. On the organisation’s future plans, he informed that providing a platform for all artists in the state, providing necessities to deserving students who are financially backward are some of the things they are looking forward to achieving.
“We have spoken to some health officials and lawyers who will support us in our endeavour” he added.

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