
Monday, January 31, 2011

Only ulterior motives or pea-sized brains can accuse HH the Karmapa of being a Chinese agent

Dear Editor,
I want all supporters of H.H. Karmapa to stop shouting that he is not a spy. Such preposterous and ludicrous assumptions should not be dignified with a response.
To suggest that some one of the status and dignity of H.H. Karmapa, who has been anointed by H.H. Dalai Lama to be his successor for the cause of Tibet to be a an agent of China can only be entertained by people with either ulterior motives or possessing pea size brain. The only parallel in the Indian context I can think of is to accuse Rahul Gandhi (the obvious and future choice of Congress leadership) to be a BJP agent!!
Further, H.H. Karmapa is our Tirupati temple to whom devout followers give money and gifts with gratitude for his many charitable causes. Would the police have the guts to conduct a similar raid without warrant on the premises of Tirupatti temple? Hence, why the discrimination? Is it because we are a minority religious group in India and our vote bank is insignificant for any politician to stand up and make a fair statement, while the media is behaving like a bronco billy gone out of control.
We trust the media, especially the electronic media will put forth a saner, sensitive and intelligent reporting to its viewership and readership.

Guru T Ladakhi

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