
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Now, online

This blog, which should admittedly come long back, has finally come through after the print edition of NOW! announced a month-long hiatus for February. This break will help us step back and re-evaluate where we have arrived in the nearly nine years that we have been around [in print] and where we wish to be in our decadal year. Frankly, we also need this time off to ease out the financial corner we have painted ourselves into, but the more important reason is to rejuvenate ourselves from the inertia which invariably sets in after nine years on the trot, the much-criticised tendency to celebrate every festival with an off day notwithstanding. We are new to this medium, and not half as tech-savvy as we should be, so do help us along with comments and suggestions...
pema wangchuk
Editor, Sikkim NOW!


  1. Glad to see Sikkim NOW! finally on the web. Congratulations :)

  2. Now! & eNow! , it's what lakhs of curious readers were waiting for. Finally team has done it.

    Congratz & Best Wishes

    Team VOS

  3. Congratulations....I am so thankful to the team for this effort. "NOW" always was and is ma favorite newspaper of Sikkim.

  4. Better late than never.... Need some improvements but it's okay for the start........


Readers are invited to comment on, criticise, run down, even appreciate if they like something in this blog. Comments carrying abusive/ indecorous language and personal attacks, except when against the people working on this blog, will be deleted. It will be exciting for all to enjoy some earnest debates on this blog...