
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Three-Star lifts 34th All India Governor’s Gold Cup

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: Three Star [Nepal] today lifted the 34th All India Governor’s Gold Cup Football Tournament 2013 beating another Nepal team, Manang Marshyangdi Club in the final match played at Paljor Stadium. Three-Star won the match 3-1. Last year, the club had lost to BSF Jalandhar in the finals of the tournament. This is the second time that 3-Star has lifted the Gold Cup in Sikkim, having also won the tournament in 2008 when it beat Army XI in the finals.
Today, Three Star’s Santosh Sahakhula [09] scored the first goal in the 26th minute. Two minutes later, Bikram Lama [19] extended the lead.
In the second half, Jagjit Shreshtha sealed the victory for Three Star with the third goal in the 80th minute of the match. In the dying minutes of the match, MMC managed to find the net with its Sulav Maskey [21] scoring the face-saver.
Three Star Nepal’s Jagjit Shrestha was awarded the ‘Man of the Match’ while Royal Wahingdoh Shillong’s Satyinder Singh was declared ‘Most Promising Player’ of the tournament. 
Speaking on winning the tournament, Three Star Nepal’s coach, Ajan KC said, “For us, it is a boon from heaven to win this year’s Gold Cup. All the effort that we put in has finally borne fruit and the credit goes to the entire team”.
Runners-up Manang Marshyangdi Club’s coach said, “Winning and losing are part of the game. There is always next time.” He said that he has been visiting Sikkim since 2005 but this is the first time that he is in the state as a coach.
Three Star Nepal team captain, Santosh Sahakhula expressed his happiness over today’s win. “I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. The hospitality of the people of Sikkim has really touched my heart. I have come to Sikkim a couple of times before and have played in the Governor’s Gold Cup earlier as well”, shared Sahakhula. 
Both, Coach and Captain of the winning team have expressed gratitude to the fans of Sikkim for their support since the start of the tournament.
Certificates, medals, trophies and mementoes were also handed over to the winners and runners-up by Governor Shriniwas Patil, who was accompanied to the final match by Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling, Speaker KT Gyaltsen and Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Department, NK Pradhan.
Also present were officials from the concerned department, members from SFA and the general public as well
·         This is the second time that Three Star Nepal has won the tournament.

·         The club had won the tournament in 2008 as well where it had defeated Army XI in the finals.
·         Including this year, this is the fourth time that Three Star has reached the finals of the Governor’s Gold Cup [2007, 2008, 2012, 2013].
·         On the other hand, this is the first time that MMC has reached the Gold Cup finals.
·         This is the second all-Nepal final that the tournament has witnessed. The first all Nepal final was in 2007 where NRT Nepal defeated Three Star Nepal.
·         Three Star is the second team from Nepal to win the Gold Cup twice. ANFA XI won the tournament in 1997 and 1998.
·         RNAC Nepal won the tournament in 1990.

·         JCF Nepal won the tournament in 1988.

West DC directs Labour Deptt to register all labourers

GYALSHING, 22 Nov [IPR]: The district coordination meeting of all heads of offices was held today at the conference hall, DAC under the chairmanship of DC West, LPChettri which was also attended by all GVAs of West District.
The DC appraised the house that all the pending registration of departmental lands should be forwarded to the DC’s office for settlement. He also directed the Labour Department official to undertake registration of labourers in the district which is mandatory as per the Labour Registration Act and to submit the copy of the same to the DC, concerned Police Stations, OPs and Check Posts for information and record.
Regarding the carpeting of roads in the district the DC directed the DE Roads to resume all works and complete them before March 2014. Further, he apprised the Road Department official to initiate carpeting work of Gyalshing–Pelling stretch.
In the meeting, GVAs also pointed out that the construction of REDRH and CMRH in their respective GVKs is been delayed due to the lack of supply ofraw materials.  The DC directed all the staffs posted from different departments to GVKs to immediately join their dutiesand report to the concerned GVAs.
Problems of LPG supply, construction of Slater House at Gyalshing, poor attendance in government offices and strengthening of e-governance were also discussed during the meeting.

Governor hosts dinner for Gold Cup finalists

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: Governor Shriniwas Patil hosted a dinner for members of winning and runners-up teams of the Governor’s Gold Cup Football Tournament and the Sikkim Football Association (SFA) at Raj Bhavan today. Chief Minister PawanChamling and Minister for Sports & Youth Affairs, NK Pradhan also attended the dinner.
A Raj Bhawan press release informs that the dinner was held to felicitate the players and the SFA on the successful completion of the Governor’s Gold Cup Tournament.
The Governor congratulated the players for their exhibition of superb skills, as well as their sportsmanship spirit. He said that such tournaments will help to foster a spirit of brotherhood between people of different States and even countries. It would also help to promote football in Sikkim, which is the State’s most popular sport.
SFA president BK Roka, on behalf of the visiting teams as well as the SFA, expressed his gratitude towards the keen interest shown by the Governor in the promotion of football and other sports in Sikkim.
He also thanked him for reviving the tradition of hosting dinner for the teams appearing in the finals of the Governor’s Gold Cup tournament. It was informed that this tradition had been discontinued sometime back.

HC admits another PIL on poor roads of North Sikkim

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: The High Court of Sikkim has admitted another public interest litigation against the Ministry of Surface Transport, Department of Road Transport and Highways, Director General Border Roads, Chief Engineer Border Roads, Project Swastik, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance and State of Sikkim [through Chief Secretary] on the dilapidated road conditions in North Sikkim.
The public and Panchayat of Kabi-Longtsok constituency had submitted a letter petition to the acting Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court along with Justice SP Wangdi while attending a function organized by Sikkim State Legal Services Authority [SSLSA] on 16 November, last week at Phodong Senior Secondary School ground.
In a letter petition, the public and Panchayats of Kabi-Longtsok have stated that road conditions in the area are pathetic and repaired only when VVIPs visit the area. The poor roads have inconvenienced people living in the area especially in times of emergencies and the rainy season.
While admitting the letter petition, the division bench of Sikkim High Court on 19 November, observed that after examining the contents of the letter petition, the High Court has decided to admit the same as PIL and have included theMinistry of Surface Transport, Department of Road Transport and Highways under the Ministry of Surface road, Director General Border Road, Chief Engineer Border Raod, project Swastika, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence Ministry of Finance and State of Sikkim through Chief Secretary as respondents.
The High Court has also directed the central government standing counsel Karma Thinlay Bhutia to accept the notice on behalf of the central government and J B Pradhan, Additional Advocate Generalto accept the notice on behalf of the state respondent and file their replies within six weeks as prayed by the parties.

ASGEA members disagree on voter eligibility criteria

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: A section of the All Sikkim Government Employees Association (Group C and D) has demanded that only members registered with the association be allowed to vote in the forthcoming elections of the Central Executive Committee. The elections are scheduled for 07 December.
“There are around 3,000 registered members of the Association and only these members should be eligible to vote under the strict guidance of the Election Commission and the Ad-hoc Committee of the Association,” said Keshar Singh Rai, who has filed nomination papers for the post of general secretary.
“Government employees who have identity cards issued by the Home Department but are not registered members of the association should not be eligible to cast their vote”, he stated.
While another group of the Association had earlier demanded that every Group C and D employee having an identity card issued by the Home Department should be allowed to vote in the elections.
A team of 9 members led by Phurzang Lepcha who is contesting for the post of Chairman also released their manifesto today.

FAUJI BRAWN: Should a truck breakdown, pray that it’s an army vehicle with some jawans on board. Fauji grit was on display at Indira Byepass, Gangtok, at Maney Khola near Pangthang this morning [at 11.30 a.m.] when this truck broke down on a difficult stretch and held up traffic. The vehicle just wouldn’t budge, but went down to the collective might of the jawans who pushed and tugged it into submission. Before they pushed the truck back and parked it by the side, allowing traffic through again, they tried pushing it onwards [an uphill] for a while.

SPCC media cell reorganized

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee [SPCC] has appointed Tara Shrestha, who joined the Congress when SHRPP merged with it recently, as the chairman of its media cell while Punya Prasad Koirala, also from SHRPP and now Congress, has been appointed as the secretary-in-charge of the publicity wing of the party.
An SPCC release informs that this was decided in a general body meeting of the party held today. Committees at the constituency and district levels were also constituted in the meeting which was attended by more than 200 members, the release adds. As required by the All India Congress Committee the list will be forwarded for formal approval, the release states.
All press releases and other matters pertaining to the media cell will now be handled by Tara Shrestha and Punya Prasad Koirala, it is informed. In addition the SPCC president, Kunga Nima Lepcha and the working president, Dr. AD Subba will also issue press releases from time to time. No press statements issued by any other sources should be entertained as per the Constitution of Indian National Congress, it is added.

North observes Newborn Care Week

MANGAN, 22 Nov: ‘New born care week’ was observed from 15-21 November in Chungthang PHC, Passingdang PHC, Hee-Gyathang PHC, Dikchu PHC, Phodong PHC along with the district hospital Mangan. The theme of the week was ‘Quality issues and accreditation in neonatal health care system’.
Resource persons from the district hospital, Deputy Director (IEC), MD Sharma, HEO, Phodong, Parim Lingzepa and Health Educator, Nodel Lachungpa, sensitized the gathering of mothers, members of ASHA, AWW about the importance of institutional delivery and appealed to all to go to health centers for delivery for both the health of the mother and child. They were urged to spread the message in the community so as to protect the new born from various infections and death.
The gathering was made aware about avoiding bathing a new born in the first week to protect the child from hypothermia. Demonstrations on method of wrapping baby, exclusive breast feeding etc were also conducted during the week.

Mani Lhakhang inaugurated in Yangang

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: A Mani Lhakang was inaugurated at Gyan Tashi Palden Monastery, Yangang, South Sikkim, by Genzang Tulku (Sangmo Rinpoche) today in the presence of Zilla Adhyaksha South, CL Gurung and Sangha MLA, Phetook Tshering.
The Mani Lhakhang was constructed with the support of locals and the Government of Sikkim. Construction work on the Lhakhang had started in 2012. The function today saw various rituals and prayers being performed by monks of Gyan Tashi Palden Monastery.

Gangtok-based company to produce Tibetan film ‘Losar’

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: Marking the commencement of the shooting for the Tibetan film “Losar”, a function was held today at the Community Hall of the Tibetan Self-Help Centre (TRSHC) in Darjeeling, West Bengal.
A press release informs that the film is being produced by Lodor Productions, a Gangtok-based company. Lobsang Dorjee, a Tibetan Filmmaker, who is the Director and story writer of the film, is the proprietor of Lodor Productions. He has successfully made a Tibetan film “Gyurwa” [Change] which became quite popular among Tibetans and people living in the Himalayan region, the release states.
The function was attended by Dorjee Tsetan (Managing Director, TRSHC) as chief guest, Sonam Tsering (Tibetan actor) as guest of honor, Tenzin Jamyang and members of Tibetan Women’s Association, Tibetan Youth Congress, U-tsang Association etc.
While introducing the theme of the film Lobsang Dorjee said, “the aim of the film is to create awareness about Losar. Although, we celebrate the festival but many of us, especially the younger generations, do not know the history, significance, purpose, and ways of proper celebration.” He further said that though the film has a socio-cultural objective it also aspires to have high entertainment value as well.
The chief guest released the script of the film and presented khadas to the cast and crew of the film. He lauded Lobsang Dorjee’s initiative and addressed the gathering for the need to create awareness and promote Tibetan festivals through such creative and effective medium especially for the younger generations.
The release mentions that the main artists in the film are, Lobsang Dorjee, Kunchok Dolma, Tenzin Kunchok, Lhakpa Yangkey along with supporting actors, Tenzin Choden, Tashi Dhondup, Jigme Tenzin and others. The cameraman for the film is Tenzin Gawa. The other crew members are Jampa Tenzin, Lhakchung, and Lobsang Wangmo.
The film is expected to release during the upcoming Tibetan New Year in February 2014.
Tibetans in and outside Tibet have voluntary not marked Losar festivals for the past few years as the celebration was deemed inappropriate while over hundred Tibetans have set themselves on immolations as a protest against Chinese government. Hence, the film hopes to create awareness and keep the experience of Losar alive amidst the Tibetan struggle.

Hee-Gyathang GPU notifies ban on alcohol

MANGAN, 22 Nov: Hee-Gyathang GPU under Dzongu constituency which has 6 wards issued an official notification making the GPU the first alcohol free GPU in North district on 20 November. Power Minister and area MLA, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha, was present as the chief guest while DC [North], CP Dhakal, was the guest of honor.
Panchayat President, SU Lepcha, in his address informed about the revenue generation and total number of three notifications approved by the Gram Sabha. As per resolution No. 06, Dated 30.10.2013, Hee-Gyathang Gram Panchayat Unit has restricted/ prohibited the use of ‘Cane and Caneshoot’ notified by the Gram Sabha, Ref no 731/ HGGPU/LD/N.
Another notification Ref no. 731/HGGPU/LD/N, vide resolution No. 06/ Dated 30.10.2013 Hee-Gyathang GP has fixed service charge including Bank Receipt chargeable under single window system for making documents available to the public.
And Gram Sabha vide resolution No. 06, Dated 30.10.2013, Hee-Gyathang Gram Panchayat Unit notification Ref no. 732/HGGPU/LD/N, has fixed the taxes and rates to be delivered by the Gram Panchayat.
The Panchayat President also informed the chief guest about the maintenance of Ring Khola stretch and Bringkatam road which is not in a good condition.
Essay competition, painting competition and skit play was also organized on adverse effects of alcohol consumption and related problems.
Ex-zilla member also recited his poems on alcoholism and on the Chief Minister’s leadership for development.
The chief guest in his address congratulated the GPU, Panchayat, teachers and public on the initiative to make the GPU the first alcohol free GPU of North district.  Every GPU should learn and practice the same, he said.
DM North in his address stated that, it is an important day for North district and the State both. Alcohol consumption causes various health problems so this is an important step towards ensuring better health of the general public, he said.
PI Mangan, in his address said that now monitoring and counseling for the public is most important and not only on alcohol but on drug abuse as well. The Police department is always ready to serve the public and all the police check posts and outposts have been directed to check each and every vehicle moving towards Hee-Gyathang so that no one can transport alcohol and other harmful substances to the area.
Up-Adhyaksha (N), in her address said that people should be made aware on the ban on alcohol and it should be promoted in other GPUs of Dzongu too.  She informed that she has received several positive suggestions through social networking sites and other media from different parts of the State and this is a very positive step towards developing Dzongu.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Panchayat member, Sonam Gyatso.         Zilla Adhyaksha (N), Anguli Lepcha, ADC (DEV), Mr. Kaleon, Joint Director, HRDD, Sonam Lepcha, Panchayat president, SU Lepcha, ex-zilla member, Norden Lepcha, president government employees association, Zorbu Lepcha, Principal, Dr. Dhakal, MO, Dr. Prabhat, PI Mangan, P Sharma, WO North, other Panchayat members, SMC members, teachers, students and public.

Continuing Medical Education session on trauma care at CRH

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: The Central Referral Hospital, Tadong, has announced plans to organize a daylong “Continuing Medical Education” initiative on trauma care themed on upgrading trauma care on 24 November here at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences (SMIMS), a press release informs.
“Human lives are always at threat by injuries sustained by various modes of trauma. The outcome of such patients greatly depends upon the early assessment and intervention by the healthcare providers. The set pattern of managing trauma victims has already been laid down and is always on update. Knowledge of the guidelines and protocol is mandatory to give the best result,” the release details as the idea behind the CME.
The CME, the release states, is targeted at doctors and others who attend to trauma victims. Guest speakers from AIIMS (Dr Sanjeev Bhoi and Dr Kapil Dev Soni) will address the topics “Successful Treatment of Trauma Care: The Key Ingredients” and “Initial Management Of A Trauma Victim As Per ATLS Guidelines”.

AJKS condoles demise of BB Lohar

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: Anushuchit Jati Kalyan Sangh has expressed “shock” over the demise of former MLA and president of All Sikkim Scheduled Caste Welfare Association, BB Lohar, on 20 November.
In a press release, the Sangh has stated that the Scheduled Caste community of the state has lost the most dedicated member of the community. “He was a living legend and will always be remembered as a fatherly figure and was very much dedicated to the SC community and the society as a whole”, it is stated.
AJKS has prayed for the departed soul and wished strength to the bereaved family. The Sangh has also condoled the demise of former MLAs Sherap Palden and ML Rai.

Music of Anmol Chhan released

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: HRD Minister NK Pradhan, accompanied by Nayuma Television MD, Roshan Rai, released the music album of Nepali movie, “Anmol Chhan” here at the Radio Misty office, Development Area today.
Addressing the gathering, the Minister, who chaired the function as the chief guest, congratulated the film’s team and wished them success. He also congratulated the film’s producer, Kishor Dungmali Rai, on the critical and commercial success of his last film “Angalo Yo Maya Ko”.
During the function, Sikkimese singer, Sukmit Tasho, was also felicitated for her contribution to Nepali music industry. She also sang for the movie Angalo Yo Maya Ko.
The ‘Anmol Chhan’ crew comprises of Director cum Producer, Anmol Gurung, Producer Kishor Dungmali Rai, publicity designer Suresh Lama, composer Anand Rai. The film has Shalon Kabo as the male lead with Sneha Rai as the female lead along with child actor Anurup Rai.
The Publicity Designer, Suresh Lama, informed that, the movie is all set to be officially screened in December 2013 in Gangtok. The movie has been shot in Sikkim, Kalimpong and Kolkata.
The film’s Director sought the people’s support for local films and filmmakers. “We must encourage local talents and watch films made by Sikkimese so that the industry can grow in the state”, he added.
He further thanked the entire crew for all their effort and Radio Misty for their cooperation. He has appealed to the public to watch the movie and extend support.

Friday, November 22, 2013


GANGTOK, 21 Nov: It is going to be an all-Nepal final at the 34th All India Governor’s Cup Football Tournament 2013. Three Star and Manang Marshyangdi Club, both from Nepal will be battling for this year’s Governor’s Gold Cup at Paljor Stadium in the final match on Friday. Three teams from Nepal had participated in the tournament this year; apart from the finalists, there was also Nepal National Youth XI in the fray. The youth team lost to Milan Sangh, Kalighat, in the quarterfinals. MMC exacted a revenge of sorts for the Nepal youth team by ending MSK’s Gold Cup run today.
MMC Nepal beat Milan Sangha by a lone goal in the second semi-final match today.
Both teams struggled to find the net through most of the match and after the first half ended goalless, the drought continued in the second half with neither team being able to convert some good opportunities. Just when the match looked like it was going into a tiebreaker, MMC’s Leonel Stephen scored the only and winning goal of the match in the 89th minute, a minute short of regulation time.
A sizeable crowd had gathered at the stadium today with most cheering for the Nepal team. Spectators especially on the hill side gallery were seen waving the Nepal national flag and cheering the team on.
Speaking to NOW!, SFA president, BK Roka said, “Since the tournament began we have seen some good support for the Nepal teams. Now with both Nepal teams in the finals we hope that the stadium sees capacity crowd tomorrow”.
“We are delighted over today’s win and I would like to thank my teammates for giving their best in the match,” said the MMC-Nepal team captain, Anil Gurung.
“We are very excited to play against another Nepal team in the finals. I have confidence in the team and we will play a good game tomorrow. Winning and losing are part of the game and whatever the outcome we will accept it in the spirit of sportsmanship,” he said.


JORETHANG, 20 Nov: Shillong’s Royal Wahingdoh was knocked out of the ongoing All India Chief Minister’s Gold Cup Football Tournament 2013 at Jorethang playground today. In the last quarterfinal match played today, the Shillong team was defeated by ONGC-Mumbai 2-0.
The first goal of the match was an own goal which came from a Royal Wahingdoh player who was trying to defend ONGC’s attack.  This gave ONGC 1-0 lead in the first half of the match. As Royal Wahingdoh desperately tried to come back in the match in the second half , ONGC extended the lead further with another goal from Satish TS.
With this, ONGC has become the last team to enter the semi-final round of the tourney.
As learnt from the organizing committee of SDFA, there will be no match on Friday due to some unavoidable circumstances.
ONGC Mumbai will now take on Kolkata Port Trust in the first semi-final to be held on 23 November while Manang Marshyangdi Nepal will fight against Air India in the second semi-final to be played on 24 November.
The final of the tournament will be played on 25 November where the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling is expected to attend as the chief guest.

No suspicions of foul play yet in SMIT student’s death AUTOPSY REPORT WILL CONFIRM CAUSE OF DEATH, COPS EXPLAIN

SINGTAM/ RANGPO, 21 Nov: Investigations related to the death of a 4th year student of Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majhitar on 15 November is still underway with the investigators waiting the autopsy report.
It may be informed that the 21-year-old girl from Bihar studying at SMIT, had been found dead in her hostel room. She was a final year student at SMIT with less than 13 days left for the completion of the course. The deceased had a good academic record and her untimely demise has raised considerable speculations over the past week.
A joint team from Singtam and Rangpo police is investigating the case and the autopsy report from SMIMS, Tadong, is expected to ascertain the cause of death.
When contacted, OC, Singtam Police Station, PI Chundi Chopel, informed that the autopsy report was expected any day now. While reiterating that this report will confirm the cause of death, he shared that preliminary investigation has thrown up no signs of foul-play.
It is informed that the roommate of the deceased had told police that on the night in question, she was studying while her friend was using the laptop. The next morning when she went to wake her friend, she was not breathing. This is all she could tell the police, it is learnt.
It is informed that immediately after the roommate raised an alarm, the hostel administration rushed the victim to Singtam Hospital where she was declared dead.
Police inform that the case was then reported to Rangpo PS which in turn forwarded the same to Singtam PS where the case was officially registered. The body of the deceased was sent for autopsy to Central Referral Hospital, Manipal after which it was handed over to the family.


GANGTOK, 21 Nov: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha [SKM] leader, PS Tamang [Golay], met a large number of party workers and public at Soreng, West Sikkim on Wednesday and Thursday.
SKM spokesperson, MN Dahal, informs that Mr. Tamang is busy meeting the public and party supporters in West Sikkim assuring them of change in the next assembly election. He urged the party workers to work selflessly to keep SDF from coming to power again, the release states.
The people who gathered in the meetings have also assured their support to SKM in the next election, the release claims further adding that people are fast losing faith in the ruling party.
While addressing the party workers, Mr. Tamang alleged that the ruling party has looted the innocent and poor people of Sikkim and the struggle started by the SKM party will definitely put this to an end.
The party has also set up several new committees under Hee-Bermiok constituency at Legship. The meetings were also addressed by former minister Birbal Limboo, Nari Morcha chief Mingma Lhamu Bhutia, Roshan Pradhan, Alina Rai and Topzang Bhutia.
In another SKM release, Kiran Chettri informs that the party has learnt that some people are collecting donations using the name of SKM party which, the release states, goes against the party policy. The party high command has banned such practices and warned those indulging in such acts of legal action.

Sikkim Milk mourns demise of ML Rai

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: The Sikkim Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd has conveyed deep condolences on the passing away of ML Rai, a member of the Union’s Board of Directors, who passed away on 20 November.
The late Mr. Rai served in the Board of Directors for more than 15 years and was vice chairman to the Sikkim Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd for more than 5 years. He was also chairman to the Tikpur Village Milk Producers Cooperative Society for more than 15 years.
A press release states that the late Mr Rai served with dedication and contributed to the welfare of the milk cooperative societies and the dairy farmers in the state. He also served in the Board of Directors at the national level on behalf of the Sikkim Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd to the National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI) for the last four years.
The Sikkim Milk Union has expressed deep sorrow at his passing and wished all strength and courage to his family members and dear ones.

Sharad Pawar to visit Sikkim

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: Union Agriculture Minister, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar, will be in Sikkim on a 4-day visit next week to attend two conferences of ministers of North Eastern states. He is expected to arrive on 27 November, next Wednesday.
The Union Minister will be attending the North East States’ Agriculture Ministers’ conference on 28 November followed by another conference with NE Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Ministers on 29 November at Chintan Bhawan, it is learnt.
He will also inaugurate the annexe building of the College of Agricultural Engineering and Post-Harvest Technology [CAEPHT] at Ranipool on 30 November.
Ministers of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture from all the eight Northeastern states will be arriving in Gangtok on 26 and 27 November for the annual conference. The last conference was held in Assam.
Official sources inform that the Union Agriculture Ministry has confirmed Mr. Pawar’s visit to Sikkim and also approved the programme list in consultation with the State Agriculture, Horticulture and Cash Crops Development department and Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Livestock department.
On his maiden visit to Sikkim, the Union Agriculture Minister is also expected to visit Temi Tea estate but this is yet to be confirmed.
Meanwhile, Mr. Pawar was briefly admitted to the Bombay Hospital in Mumbai today following complaints related to high blood pressure. It is not yet known whether this could change his itinerary.

SDF mourns passing away of former legislators and party functionary

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: The Sikkim Democratic Front has conveyed its deep condolences on the sudden demise of two former legislators and one party functionary.
SherabPalden, former Minister [1979-84] passed away today at Tathangchen yesterday while another former legislator of the same batch BB Lohar also passed away Wednesday morning in New Delhi. The party also lost ML Rai yesterday.
The Late Mr. Rai was an ex-serviceman who served the state government in the capacity of Block Officer in the Forest department and after his retirement has served the public in various capacities in Panchayat bodies and was one of the dedicated soldiers of the SDF party.
The demise of the former legislators is a great loss to the state and the Sikkimese society, the party has expressed.

Intra and inter-sectoral meeting held on National Health Mission

GANGTOK, 21 Nov [IPR]: Under the chairmanship of Minister for Health, DN Takarpa “Intra and Inter-sectoral Coordination Meeting” was held in the European Conference Hall of STNM Hospital today.
The meeting, which was well attended by the doctors, officials from the line departments, members of various NGOs and religious leaders, saw a comprehensive discussion on National Health Mission (NHM).
MD, NHM, Dr. PM Pradhan during his power point presentation gave a detailed account of National Health Mission its works, practices, challenges and achievements.
A long but productive discussion followed where the officials from the line departments, members of NGOs and religious leaders actively participated and placed their ideas and suggestions.
Addressing the gathering the Minister Mr. Takarpa informed that it was the vision and a great desire of the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling to see the people of Sikkim healthy, and the government has done much work to educate the people about the importance of health, hygiene and healthy life style to achieve the goal.
He further added that only medicines, drugs and doctors are not sufficient to fight diseases but the participation of the people and awareness on diseases is also very important since these days, non-communicable and life style diseases have become a cause of concern for the people.
In order to make Sikkim healthy and disease free not only the health department and government establishments should work but cooperation and active participation from all sections of the society is of paramount importance, he stressed
Mr. Takarpa also appealed to the people to change their habits and life style to lead healthy lifestyle and go organic and advocated going vegetarian and avoiding alcohol in the name of rituals.
Sikkim is rapidly progressing towards being an organic state and as and when this is achieved, the people from the state will be able to have completely organic food grains, fruits and vegetables which will in turn completely eradicate diseases which are being caused by chemical fertilizers in food.
Director General and Secretary Health Department, Dr. Kumar Bhandhari who also addressed the gathering hoped that these bi-annual meetings will yield good results.
He also informed about the various achievements which the state has been able to attain in the health sector, which he said was due to the good governance, policies and programmes of the Chamling led government.
Earlier the programme began with the welcome note by Dr. M.Lepcha [JD cum Nodal officer National Health Mission]. The daylong meet ended with vote of thanks which was proposed by Dr. N Shenga.

Team assesses progress of Cyber Village project at Melli-Dara

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: A team officials from different departments including Panchayat Director, HB Gurung, SDM (S) Karma R. Bonpo, Joint Directors IT, T. Sandup and Prem V. Basnett and president, Sikkim Cooperative Union (SICUN), Ganesh K. Rai visited the Village Administrative Melli Dara today.
A press release informs that the objective behind the visit was to assess the progress of Cyber Village. Melli Dara Paiyong Gram Panchayat Unit has been declared the first Cyber Village in India.
During the program, the Director, Panchayat congratulated the Panchayats and urged them to push cyber village to successful implementation. The SDM was brieved about the Cyber Village concept. Several issues were raised impeding the successful implementation of Cyber Village, prominent being connectivity issues.
The SDM came up with the suggestion of establishing WiFi network within the GPU which was well received and appreciated by all. The meeting also agreed upon the format of household card to be printed and distributed to the households in the GPU. Department of IT, Govt. of Sikkim handed over Barcode readers, Card Printer and flatbed scanner for printing household cards, the release adds.

ICAR organises training on Soft Rot Management in Ginger

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: ICAR Sikkim Centre, Tadong, Gangtok is organising a three-day (21-23 November, 2013) training programme on “Management of Soft Rot of Ginger‘. A press release informs that the key objective of the training is to broaden the participants’ knowledge on Management of Soft Rot using Organic Methods. More than 40 farmers are participating in this training programme.
The event was inaugurated today by chief guest on the occasion, Khorlo Bhutia [Director, H&CCDD, Govt. of Sikkim]. In his inaugural address, he appreciated the efforts taken by the ICAR Sikkim in organising this kind of training programme at the right time for the benefit of the farmers in Sikkim just preceding the ensuing season for sowing of ginger.
He shared his experience on ginger cultivation and disease management with farmers and also urged them to make use of this training for the successful cultivation of ginger. In his address, Dr. R. K. Avasthe [Joint Director, ICAR Sikkim Centre], spoke about the status of ginger production in Sikkim and also emphasized upon some organic management methods such as crop rotation, selection of healthy and disease free seed and drainage for obtaining maximum production in ginger.
Dr.H. Kalita [Sr. Scientist, Entomology, ICAR Sikkim Centre], welcomed the participants and briefed the gathering about the importance of organising this training for the management of soft rot in ginger. At the end, Dr. R. Gopi [Scientist, Plant Pathology], proposed the vote of thanks.
Ginger being one of the important cash crops of Sikkim, the management of soft-rot disease is very important to achieve highest return from ginger cultivation. The disease manifests as yellowing of leaves and rotting of rhizome portion causing yield losses of 40-50% or even more in poorly managed fields.

Former Legislator’s Federation mourns demise of its members

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: A condolence meeting of the Former Legislators’ Federation of Sikkim [FLFS] was held today in the FLFS office at Sikkim Legislative Assembly under the chairmanship of its president SK Pradhan.
A press release from the association informs that the meeting conveyed deepest condolences on the demise of Sherap Palden Lepcha and BB Singh Lohar, members of FLFS who passed away on 20 November. The late Sherap Palden breathed his last at his residence at Tathangchen, East Sikkim and the late BB Singh Lohar breathed his last at Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi on 20 November.
The late Mr. Palden was a veteran politician and a social worker. He was elected as a member of the Sikkim State Legislative Assembly from Assam Lingzey constituency in 1979 from Janta Parishad Party. He was entrusted with important portfolios and was the Minister-in-charge of different departments like Finance, Home, Establishment, Excise and Social Welfare Department.
He joined Sikkim Democratic Front in 1993 and was holding the post of Advisor. In 2012, he was appointed Chairman of the Medicinal Board. He was a sincere, dynamic, man of integrity and a good statesman, his colleague record. He was awarded the Sikkim Sewa Samman in 2013 by the Government of Sikkim for the outstanding contribution made by him for the welfare of Sikkimese people. He has contributed hugely in the development of the Assam Lingzey constituency. He was also the first president of FLFS.
The late Mr. Lohar was elected as member of Sikkim State Legislative Assembly from Rateypani constituency in West Pendam in 1979 from the Rising Sun Party. He was known for his friendly attitude towards the general public. He was soft spoken, sincere and used to extend all possible help to the poor and downtrodden people and was a man of integrity.
He was the founder member of Bishwakarma Kalyan Samaj and had provided a golden platform for the Bishwakarma community. He has remained as the longest serving president of All Sikkim Scheduled Castes Welfare Association since last 13 years. During his tenure, the association had risen to new heights in different fields and achieved many significant milestones. He was the man behind the increase in the number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Caste in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly from one seat to two seats from the second Assembly Elections in Sikkim.
Further, he was also the founder member of Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Akademi and had remained as the state president for his remarkable contribution. He was conferred the Honorary Degree of Professor in the year 2009, National Award in 1991, Rashtriya Bhasa Samman Award in 2003 and Ambedkar Honour in 2005 by the Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Akademi. He was an active member of the Sikkim Democratic Front party and was holding the post of Advisor.
The members in the meeting expressed that the demise of Late BB Singh Lohar has caused irreparable loss to the society.

Dump irresponsible behavior, not garbage

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: This busy thoroughfare at Housing Colony in Development Area has transformed into a garbage dump of the past month.
The dump has come up in a spot where GMC has put up signs warning offenders of hefty fines, “including imprisonment”, however the warnings do not seem to be making any difference as the garbage dumped keeps increasing each day.
What is even more disturbing is that this dump has developed right next to a school. What makes this dump even more dangerous is that a major pipeline at the housing flats is also broken and is spilling dirty water from the kitchens and bathrooms on the footpath and on to the new garbage disposal spot for over two years now.
With no action taken up by the concerned authorities or the neighborhood residents, one has no option but to report, wait, may be report again only to continue waiting.

CM directs MLAs to reach out to people more extensively

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling has directed all MLAs to go door-to-door in their respective constituencies and ensure that all the people are aware of the development that the SDF government has achieved in the last 19 years.
As per an SDF press release, in a legislators meeting held on 20 November, the Chief Minister also asked all the MLAs to visit their constituencies and form all the ground level development committees. He also directed the MLAs to quickly give the list of beneficiaries in all the schemes so that it can be distributed to them during the Janata Mela.
The MLAs were also asked to ensure the successful completion of all the ongoing schemes and projects like REDRH and CMRHM in their constituencies.
The release mentions that the meeting discussed the development programs going on in the state. The MLAs discussed the schemes that were in progress in their constituencies as well as the issues surrounding many of them, including implementation. These were taken up for further follow up with the concerned departments, the release adds.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

GOVERNOR’S GOLD CUP 2013 UPDATE 3-Star Nepal through to finals

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: Three Star, Nepal, is through to the final of the 34th Governor’s Gold Cup Football Tournament 2013 underway here at Paljor Stadium. In the contesting first semi-final match played today, Three Star outplayed Tata Football Academy 1-0.
In the first half, both TFA and the Nepal team fought hard to score but the first half ended in a goalless draw. The second half saw the Nepal team gain the upper hand as Prakash Budhathoki’s goal in the 51st minute gave the lead to Three Star. The Nepal team continued to attack to extend its lead in the match that it finally won. With this Three Star Nepal has become the first team to make its place in the final of the tournament.
Speaking to NOW!, Three Star’s coach, Anjan KC expressed happiness on the team reaching the final round of the tournament.
“Most of Three Star’s players played an international friendly match against India yesterday in Siliguri and returned to Gangtok last night. Due to this, the attacks in the first half were a little weak but we bounced back in the second half,” he said.
The coach also appreciated and thanked the local crowd for their support in the tournament.

CM’S GOLD CUP Port Trust Kolkata in semifinals

JORETHANG, 20 Nov: Port Trust Kolkata defeated Kerala today to reach the semifinal round of the ongoing All India Chief Minister’s Gold Cup Football Tournament 2013 at Jorethang, South Sikkim.
The match between these two teams played today was one of the most interesting matches of this season. The team from Kolkata took the lead with a goal from Elek Anand in the 15th minute.
Both teams made several attacks on each other’s goal post for the remaining part of the match. However, the match ended with the final score of 1-0 in favour of Kolkata Port Trust. With this, the Kerala team has been knocked out of the tourney.
The match saw some heated moments where Sukmal Santra (03) of Kolkata port Trust became the first player of this tournament to receive a Red Card. He was sent off the field for using offensive language against the referee.
The organizing committee of South District Football Association (SDFA) presented the Kerala team with a token of appreciation thanking them for their participation in the tourney.
The last quarter final of the match will be played on Thursday wherein Royal Wahingdoh, Shillong will battle ONGC, Mumbai.

High Court warns of stronger action if Ministry and BRO continue dragging feet on Sikkim’s road woes

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: The High Court of Sikkim has pulled up the Ministry of Surface Transport & Roads and Chief Engineer, Project Swastik, for what it sees as their lackadaisical approach towards maintaining the national highway connecting Sikkim to the rest of the country. The Sikkim High Court has also passed several directions for administrative and other sanctions for maintenance of border roads.
The division bench of the High Court observed that since the first PIL on poor road conditions was taken up in 2010, and even after several directions were passed in the past four years, the Ministry and Project Swastik have not been able to expedite upgradation of national and border roads.
While expressing its dissatisfaction over the delay and lackadaisical approach of high ranking personnel sitting in New Delhi, the division bench directed the authorities concerned to file an affidavit within two weeks assuring the court that they will comply with all the directions passed by High Court.
“If the central government fails to assure compliance with the directions, the court is ready to take a stronger stand. Sikkim being a sensitive border state and considering its dependence on the tourism industry, the road conditions have to be improved for tourism and national security concerns,” the division bench observed.
Sikkim High Court has scheduled the matter for further hearing on 04 December and also directed the central government counsels to seek directions from all the respondents. The court has further directed the amicus curiae to support the court in reaching a decision.

HIV/ AIDS awareness campaign tours schools

SINGTAM, 20 Nov: The ongoing youth intervention under the multimedia campaign 2013-14 organised by Sikkim State AIDS Control Society toured the following schools: Linkey SS, Bahai School Linkey, Linkey Thekabong Sanskrit Mahavidhayalaya, Parakha JHS, Machong SSS, Aho Kishan JHS, Namcheybong SS, Pushpanjali Vidhayalaya Pakyong, Dugalakha JHS, Taza JHS, Amba JHS, Mamring SSS, Pacheykhani SS, Padamchey SS, Bering JHS, Puspanjali Vidhyalaya, Tareythang JHS in East District. The schools were provided with participation certificates by SSACS.
Talks on different topics of HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, Life Skills and Voluntary Blood Donation were held. Counseling on matters like depression, early child marriage along with games and quiz were also held.
The Principal, Headmasters, school staff and students of various schools have appreciated the initiative taken by Sikkim State AIDS Control Society, Gangtok. [from SHITAL PRADHAN]

Sikkim University Teachers’ Association formed

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: Sikkim University Teachers’ Association (SUTA) was formed recently with eight office bearers and nine executive members. Dr. Sohel Firdos and Dr. Salvin Paul have been elected as the president and the general secretary respectively.
SUTA was formally inaugurated on 11 November 2013 by Vice Chancellor Professor TB Subba, in the presence of Registrar, TK Kaul, Librarian, Chandel, OSD Finance Dibakar Kanunja and COE I/C, Dr S K Gurung, a press release informs.
A press release informs the main purpose of SUTA is to promote the interests of teachers with special focus on academic and research environment, and to advocate, secure, maintain and safeguard the rights and liberties of teachers and to help them fulfill their commitments. SUTA will also take necessary steps to improve the conditions of service of teachers of the Sikkim University.
Other office bearers of the association are Dr Kavita Lama as vice president, Dr Om Prasad Gadde and Dr Ajay Tripathi as joint secretaries, Dr Manju Rana as treasurer and Dr Teiborlang TK as co-treasurer.
Inaugural function of Sikkim University Teachers’ AssociationDr. Rafiul Ahmed announcing the election results of SUTA, along with Dr. Manju Rana, Dr. Sohel Firdos [president of SUTA], Prof Dr. T.B Subba [the Vice Chancellor], T.K Kaul [Registrar] and Dr. Salvin Paul [general secretary of SUTA].

SE to treat journos to Nepal tour

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: A team of eleven journalists working in different media houses in Sikkim will be leaving for an exposure tour to Kathmandu and Pokhra (Nepal) on Thursday. The trip has been organized by the Late Ram Patro Memorial Award Committee of local daily, Sikkim Express, for a section of the former awardees.
The award is given annually to the Most Promising Journalist of Sikkim and to the best working journalist in Sikkim Express and Himali Bela. During the tour the reporters will also visit popular media houses in Nepal such as Kantipur and Himal publications.
The reporters will also interact with the editors and journalists in Nepal.
The journalists in the tour are: Amit Patro (Editor, Sikkim Express), Bhim Rawat (News Editor, Himali Bela), Rajen Pradhan (Reporter, Himali Bela) , Joseph Lepcha (Correspondent, Dainik Jagran), Prabin Khaling (Reporter, Anugamini) Sanjay Pradhan (Desk Editor, Samay Dainik) Nirmal Mangar (Correspondent The Telegraph) Sekhar Khawas (Reporter Himalayan Darpan),  Namo Dixit (Reporter Sikkim Express) Sagar Chettri (Reporter, Sikkim Now) and Yishey Doma (Copy Editor, Sikkim Express).

SDF condoles demise of former legislators and party functionary

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: The ruling Sikkim Democratic Front party has expressed its deep condolence on the sudden demise of two former legislators and one party functionary from West Sikkim.
Sherab Palden, former minister [1979-84] passed away today at Tathangchen while another former legislator of the same batch B B Lohar also passed away this morning in New Delhi.
Late ML Rai was an ex-serviceman who served the state government in the capacity of Block Officer in the Forest department and after his retirement has served the public in various capacities in Panchayat bodies and was one of the dedicated soldiers of the SDF party.
The demise of the former legislators is a great loss to the state and the Sikkimese society, the party has expressed.

South farmers introduced to better performing organic rice

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: After Budang in West district, it was the turn of farmers from South Sikkim to attend a demonstration of the superior performance of organic rice in fields of fellow farmers at Manghim, where the pilot project has been underway for four months.
Organized by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Namthang on 19 November 2013, the programme was presided over by ward panchayat, Ms. Binu Subba and was attended by more than 25 farmers of the area.
The significance of the event was highlighted by IP Shivakoti, SMS while a detailed recap was provided by Tilak Gajmer, Programme Co-ordinator on SRI (System of Rice Intensification), its key agronomic features and relevance in drought-prone areas and as a mitigating measure against climate change.
Stressing the need to upscale technology in view of obvious benefits SRI had on enhancing yield and income, especially for marginal and small landholding farmers of the state, he urged that farmers upgrade.
The KRH-2 rice variety of medium duration (125-130 days) with high yielding potential which has shown a good degree of adaptation as also a high level of adoption in recent years. An official press release informs that with the efforts of Department of Food Security and Agriculture Development, this variety along with other recently-introduced varieties such as CAU-R 1 has successfully replaced some of the older hybrid varieties.
With NABARD as funding agency, the programme was held as part of technological intervention by NABARD and is under implementation for the second consecutive year following success and encouraging response from farmers the last year.
Dr. RD Ghatak, SMS and Phurba Diki Sherpa, Program Assistant conducted crop cutting experiments in order to provide realistic estimate of crop yield of the KRH-2 variety in the micro agro-climatic zone. In addition, FLD (Field Level Demonstration) on harvesting rice using Vaibhav sickle was also conducted by Pravesh Shivakoty, SMS, along with Tshering Dorjee Tamang, Farm Manager.

Patra Commission completes inquiry into disproportionate assets allegations against CM and former Ministers

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: The Patra Enquiry Commission has completed its inquiry into the disproportionate assets case against 13 sitting and former Ministers including Chief Minister Pawan Chamling. Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee [SPCC] had leveled these allegations following which the State had set up the Commission of Enquiry under former Justice RK Patra.
The Commission is expected to submit its report to the State government in the first week of December 2013.
The Chief Minister had deposed himself before the Patra Commission on 29 November 2012 and on 29 August earlier this year to complete procedures of inquiry into the allegations for misuse of power, corruption and disproportionate assets.
However, one of the former Congress leaders, JB Darnal had challenged the appointment of Justice Patra as Inquiry Commission stating that the complaints were filed with the CBI after the Supreme Court had been petitioned.

SKM condemns former colleague’s comments

NAMCHI, 20 Nov: The South district unit of the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha [SKM] has reacted strongly against a statement made by their former party colleague Basant Rai who left SKM recently to join the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front.
Condemning a comment attributed to Mr. Rai in which he termed the party’s youth as “drug addicts and peddlers”, the South district youth leaders of SKM called a press conference today at the party office.
The press conference was jointly addressed by Tilak Basnet [South District general secretary of SKM], Shadeo Gurung [organizing secretary, South], Biswajeet Chettri [joint publicity South, Manoj Rai] and Kishore Tamang.
Addressing the conference, Tilak Basnet claimed that Basant Rai “was never an asset for the party but was a liability instead”.
“He changes his loyalty to parties like the weather,” he said.
“He is making various allegations against the SKM youth today but in fact he was the one who misbehaved with the jail personnel when SKM supporters were jailed for 44 days. He is the same person who made several derogatory comments regarding the Chief Minister,” Mr. Basnet added.

Lachen reinforces commitment to zero waste credentials

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: A campaign to encourage household segregation of waste in Lachen was initiated by the Lachen Tourism Development Committee members with the support of WWF-India and the Zero Waste Himalayas Group on 16 and 17 November. Six students from Tadong College who are volunteers of the zero waste campaign also participated in the day-long program, a press release informs.
Lachen is the gateway to Gurudongmar, one of the tourism hotspots frequented by tourists every year and improper management of garbage is a problem that raises concern for both the high altitude lake as well as the village.
To reduce their garbage volume, Lachen became the first village in the state to say no to packaged drinking water with the Dzumsa putting a ban on use and sale of bottled water in Lachen.
A press release informs that now a resource recovery center set up in the village aims to reduce the waste being dumped into riversides by recovering recyclables and other items from the garbage bin. All families in Lachen are therefore encouraged to segregate their waste at household level.
To spread awareness on this youth volunteers organised a door-to-door campaign using posters to explain the process of waste segregation to people.
Household members were also made aware about the hazards of improper waste disposal and were encouraged by the volunteers to segregate garbage into four major categories of Plastics, Bottles, Tetra Pack and Tin items.
During the campaign the volunteers also set up a simple segregation system in the households they visited by providing sacks for storing their waste items separately.
The resource recovery center which is run by LTDC members will open at designated timings for households to deposit their segregated items, where they will be stored in a clean environment until they are sent out to recycling centers through local scrap dealers.This initiative in Lachen is supported by WWF- India with technical inputs from the Zero Waste Himalayas Group and is made possible through the support of TATA housing and USAID’s project for Asian high mountains.

SKM continues Chamling-Gopal Gurung affinity allegations

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: Following Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] party’s recent “advise” to the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha [SKM] party to support their allegations against the ruling party with proof, SKM’s publicity secretary, Jacob Khaling today presented a copy of the letter allegedly written by SDF president, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling to Gopal Gurung of Nepal.
SKM had earlier released a CD containing an interview of Mongol National Front’s Gopal Gurung in which purports to have close links with Mr. Chamling. SDF had played these allegations back with the counter that SKM was instead in cahoots with Mr. Gurung since they were circulating comments and opinions of a “fundamentalist foreign national”.
Today, Mr. Khaling read out excerpts of a letter which he claimed was written by Mr. Chamling to Gopal Gurung and demanded that a probe be conducted regarding the letter. The security agencies in the state need to keep a watch not only on SKM party workers but also on SDF party workers and especially on Pawan Chamling, he said.
 “SDF leaders such as PD Rai, Bhim Dahal give out statements in newspapers stating that whatever allegations the SKM party is leveling against the SDF party are all false and they should come out with the truth and give documentary evidence. This is all eyewash as the SKM party has always spoken the truth with supporting documents and they don’t have anything to counter us,” he claimed. This is the age of information and the age of transparency and this is what the SKM party believes in, said Mr. Khaling.
Sonam Bhutia [general secretary, legal cell, SKM] informed that on 12 November the party had lodged an FIR based on the contents of the said CD, but the FIR was not entertained by the police. They had then approached the CID with the complaint but then, on 14 November, it was learnt that the case was turned against them and the SKM party workers were named for taking out the CD, he said.
“There should be an independent enquiry into this CD case. If no action is taken regarding the CD then the party may approach higher court very soon,” he stated.

CC Wangdi promoted and posted as IPR Secretary

GANGTOK, 20 Nov: The State Government on Monday promoted Special Secretary, RM&DD, to Supertime Grade-I of Sikkim State Civil Service in an officiating capacity and posted her as the new Secretary, Information & Public Relations Department and Printing & Stationery Department.
As per a Department of Personnel Office Order issued on 18 November, the promotion is in officiating capacity and that the regular promotion shall be made on the recommendation of the Sikkim Public Service Commission.
Earlier, on 15 November, Brijendra Swaroop, Managing Director, SIMFED on deputation, was repatriated and posted as Conservator of Forest, Forest Environment and Wildlife Management Department. Kuber Bhandari, Director, Local Fund Audit, Finance Revenue and Expenditure Department, was transferred and posted as Managing Director, SIMFED on deputation.

CM condoles demise of three close allies

GANGTOK, 20 Nov [IPR]: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling and Mrs. Tika Maya Chamling have expressed their deep condolences at the sudden demise of Sherap Palden, former Minister in the Sikkim Government, who passed away today at his residence at Tathangchen, Gangtok.
The Late Mr. Palden was remembered by the Chief Minister as an upright person with impeccable integrity whose demise will leave a huge void in Sikkimese society. In his condolence message the Chief Minister has wished for strength and courage to his near and dear ones to bear this irreparable loss in their hour of sorrow and grief.
The Late Mr. Palden was a Minister in the State Government for one term from the year 1979 to 1984. He is survived by his wife, son and a daughter.
The Chief Minister has also expressed his deep condolences at the passing away of BB Lohar in New Delhi today. The Late Mr. Lohar was a former Member of the Legislative Assembly in the period between 1979 to 1984. In his condolence message, the Chief Minister remembered the late Mr. Lohar as a leader who served the state with utmost sincerity and dedication and stated that he was as an experienced leader who understood the pulse of the people.  In his condolence message, the Chief Minister has wished for strength and courage to the bereaved family and his near and dear ones at this hour of grief and irreparable loss.
The Chief Minister has also expressed deep condolences at the sudden demise of ML Rai, a close associate of the Chief Minister who passed away today at his residence in Daramdin, West Sikkim. In his condolence message, the Chief Minister remembered Late Mr Rai as an ardent party functionary who worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the poor and hapless. Late Mr Rai also served as Advisor to the State Trading Corporation of Sikkim. In his condolence message to the bereaved family, the Chief Minister has expressed his deep sorrow and anguish over the demise, and has wished for strength and courage to the near and dear ones.

State ASHA Mentoring Group meets REBYNA RANA

GANGTOK, 20 Nov:The State Health Society, National Rural Health Mission [NRHM] under the Department of Health Care, Human Service & Welfare Department, organized the “State ASHA Mentoring Group Meeting” here in the European Commission Hall, STNM today.
State ASHA Nodal Officer, Dr. ML Lepcha, in her presentation, mentioned that, Sikkim is the smallest state having a small number of ASHAs where she informed that there are a total of 666 ASHA volunteers.
“We express heartfelt gratitude towards ASHA workers of Sikkim for all their effort and support”, she said.She informed that ASHAs are paid at the block headquarters during the monthly PHC meetings and added that Sikkim is the only state where the payment is made through cheques.
Dr. Lepcha highlighted the need for more support from the department to further polish ASHA’s activities. She also spoke on the ASHA support system and the grievances redressal mechanism as well. By the end of March 2014, 24 batches of ASHAs will be covered under the National Pension Scheme, she added.
Mission Director, NRHM, Dr. PM Pradhan urged all ASHA workers to put in all efforts and play an active role in controlling the spread of diseases like Dengue, Malaria, etc. speaking on MDR TB cases, Dr. Pradhan stressed on the need to raise awareness on the disease especially in the East district. He further encouraged ASHA workers to place their grievances and suggestions.
The meeting was also addressed by State ASHA Trainer cum CHO, PHC, Pakyong,LhassangTamang, State Facilitator, Ministry & Health Welfare, Government of India, Navin Sharma, and retired Additional Director, Dr. BelaCintury.
Also present weremembers of the ASHA Mentoring Group from four districts, NGOs, members from Red Cross Society, Inner Wheel Club [Gangtok], and Voluntary Health Association of Sikkim as well.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


THE MAITREYA HEART SHRINE RELIC WORLD TOUR arrived in Sikkim this afternoon through Rangpo check-post where monks from Phodong Monastery offered it a traditional welcome in the presence of senior state government representatives, members of the exposition committee and devotees from all over the state. The relics arrive in Sikkim after touring 66 countries, making their last halt in Bhutan where they were kept on display for the past one week. After a brief reception at Rangpo check-post, the convoy proceeded to Tsuklakhang in the palace complex where it will be opened for public darshan from 25 November onwards. The Relics were collected over many years by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the spiritual founder of the relic tour. It may also be informed that the donations collected from the tour will be used for the construction of a 150-ft tall bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha in Bodhagaya in which the relics will be eventually enshrined at the end of the world tour.

AI beats Bhutan to enter semis of CM’s Gold Cup

JORETHANG, 19 Nov: Bhutan XI bowed out of the Chief Minister’s Gold Cup today after losing to Air India 3-1.
Playing the second quarterfinal match of the ongoing All India Chef Minister Gold Cup Football Tournament, Bhutan XI was bundled away in a one-sided match in which Air India remained superior throughout.
To its credit, Bhutan XI found its feet in time to deny Air India a larger margin – the first two goals having come within minutes of each other in the 25th minute itself from the boots of Sudesh A. The first half ended 2-0 in AI’s favour.
In the second half, before Bhutan could make a match of the game, Sidharth Nayak scored Air India’s third goal and sealed the result. It was only in the dying minutes of the match that Bhutan scored the face-saver and ended the match 3-1.
On Wednesday, Port Trust Kolkata will take on Kerala in the third quarterfinal scheduled to begin at 1.30 PMa.

Forest Deptt releases timber for REDRH and CMRHM beneficiaries

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: The Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management Department’s Utilization Division has handed over the second consignment of 240 cft of Sal timber to Gram Vikash Adhikari of Passingdong, Tshering Gyatso Bhutia, for free onwards distribution to REDRH [Reconstruction of Earthquake Damaged Rural Houses] and CMRHM [Chief Minister’s Rural Housing Mission] beneficiaries under Gram Vikash Kendra [Passingdong], North Sikkim on 15 November.
A press release issued by Divisional Forest Officer [Utilization], further informs that the Utilization division had provided 340 cft of Sal timber in the first consignment to Gram Vikas Kendra [Martam] in East Sikkim.

SSB cycles for awareness to mark golden jubilee

Gangtok, 19 Nov [PIB]: Sashastra Seerma Bal [SSB] pedaled off on a “Chetna Cycle Rally” from Gangtok to Siliguri today as part of its golden jubilee celebrations. Minister for Human Resource Development, Sports & Youth Affairs, NK Pradhan, flagged off the rally from the White Hall complex in Gangtok.
Addressing a function organized by the Sector Hqtr, SSB-Gangtok, the HRD Minister lauded the contributions of the SSB in providing civic services in Sikkim during times of natural disasters like the 2011 earthquake and providing computer education to unemployed youth and allied welfare activities.
Speaking on the occasion, AK Nath, Staff Officer, Sector Hqrs. SSB Gangtok and Area Organizer SSB Gangtok, SK Sood, explained the objective behind organizing the Chetna Cycle Rally.
Secretary, Department of Sports, RP Poudyal, and Director PIB-Gangtok CK Dorjee were among those present on the occasion.
SSB was established as Special Service Bureau in 1963 after the Chinese aggression of 1962 with its committed motto of “Service, Security and Brotherhood”. In June 2001, SSB as Sashastra Seema Bal was declared a border guarding force for Indo-Nepal borders. In March 2004, SSB was also assigned the task of guarding the Indo-Bhutan borders as well. The force received the President’s Colour on 27 March 2004.

Nirmal Bharat stakeholders trained on solid waste management

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: A two-day training on Solid Waste Management was conducted by the Rural Management & Development Department on 18 and 19 November for stakeholders from all the GPUs to be covered in the first phase of the Solid Waste Management Plan of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan.
An official press release informs that 40 representatives from NGOs, Panchayats and field functionaries of these GPUs attended the training on composting of Biodegradable Waste held at Janta Bhawan here. The first day of the training had technical sessions on various methods of composting developed by Clover Organics from Dehradun. A presentation on Sikkim-specific waste management was also made by Joint Secretary (Sanitation), RMDD, followed by a presentation by Dawa Gyalpo of the Zero Waste- Himalaya Group.
The second day featured practical, hands-on sessions on composting waste at the community level as well as the individual household level  through various methods such as bio-cap, heap composting using kitchen waste (food waste, vegetable peels etc) with a mixture of biomass available in the villages. The training was also attended by Deputy Secretary (Sanitation).
Solid and Liquid Waste Management, one of the components of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan, aims at achieving zero waste status in villages and rural towns. The clean village/ Gram Panchayat initiative takes into account that the waste material of the GP be managed in a sustainable and environment-friendly manner.

Sikkim Police go down to SSB at Police Meet

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: Sikkim Police lost today to Sashastra Seema Bal [SSB] in the quarterfinals of the 62nd BN Mullick All India Police Meet Football Tournament 2013 in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The match was keenly contested and Sikkim Police went down 2-1.
SSB finished the first half with 2-0 lead. In the second half, the goal margin was pulled back by Shantiram Luitel of Sikkim Police. It is informed that the Sikkim Police team got some good chance to equalize, but missed the net.
Sikkim Police had reached the quarterfinals after beating Himachal Pradesh Police in the pre-quarter-final match.

SHRPP becomes Congress

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad Party [SHRPP] today officially merged with the Indian National Congress, the formalities held at the Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee [SPCC] head-office here at 6th Mile, Tadong. SHRPP’s office bearers from the central executive committee, frontal organizations and other different level committees along with party supporters from different parts of the State led by the party president Dr AD Subba, joined the Congress today. While the merger had already been agreed to and finalized, the formal joining was awaiting completion of written formalities for the same. With this condition met yesterday, the merger was carried out today.
A beaming Dr. Subba pointed out that SHRPP has worked as an opposition party in Sikkim for the past 12 years and spoke about the various struggles and activities taken up by the party through these years. He shared that during a recent interaction with INC president Sonia Gandhi, she had mentioned that she was aware of the commitment with which SHRPP had worked for the people in Sikkim.
He explained today that the merger with the Congress was finalized so that he and his supporters could work even more effectively for the coming generations.
Dr. Subba stated that a membership drive for the Congress will be carried out soon in the state and that thousands of the people from across the state will join the party.
Welcoming Dr. Subba into the fold, the SPCC president, Kunga Nima Lepcha, commented that it was momentous day for the state that the SHRPP was merging into INC on the birth anniversary of the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
“Now we have united and have to work together for Sikkim and its people and contribute towards nation building,” he said.
He commented that the Centre has given many flagship programmes and schemes to Sikkim and now the people have to take account of these programmes. Mr. Lepcha went on to allege favouritism in distribution of these programmes and schemes among the people.
He urged the party members to ensure that all programmes and schemes reached those in need of such assistance.
The function was also addressed by Tara Shrestha, Punya Prasad Koiral and Dhamala Sharma of SHRPP. The function started with a welcome address by SPCC south district president, KB Rai and concluded with the vote of thanks by Yuvraj Rai.

Sikkim girls leave for Jr. National Football c’ship

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: A 20-member squad of Sikkim left yesterday to participate in the Junior National Football Championship for Girls being held in Cuttack, Odisha from 20 Nov to 05 Dec. The team has Palden Bhutia as coach and Lako Phuti Bhutia as manager.
The team comprises of: Gurme Dolma Tamang, Anisha Subba Limboo, Signorina Thapa, Yogina Gurung, Sujata Mangar, Nimita Gurung, Ocein Lepcha, Kabita Biswakarma, Eden Bhutia, Samita Rai, Anjali Rai, Tashi Doma Sherpa, Nim Riki Sherpa, Aita Hangma Limboo, Kripa Rai, Urmila Thatal, Dechen Lepcha, Karishma Rai, Reshmee Mangar and Usha Chhetri.
While releasing the final list of players, Sikkim Football Association general secretary Menla Ethenpa stated that this time SFA has given emphasis to players from sub-divisions and districts.
An SFA press release adds that the organisation’s president BK Roka, SFA women’s wing chairperson R. Ongmu, and gen secy Chung Chung Bhutia have extended their good wishes to the team.

Foresters begin training on Sustainable Forest Management

GANGTOK, 19 Nov: A 5-day training on “Sustainable Forest Management – Need and Importance”, is being organized by the JICA-assisted Sikkim Biodiversity Conservation & Forest Management at the Forest Department conference hall here. The training began on Monday, 18 November.
The training is being offered to select Divisional Forest Officers, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Range Officers, Block Officers, Survey experts of SBFP, JRFs, Survey Assistants, GIS Engineers, Community Organizers and NGOs, an official press communiqué informs.
The Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, is the resource agency for the training with Dr. Ram Prakash, retired Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Government of Madhya Pradesh, AK Patil Professor IIFM, and MD Om Prakash, Professor IIFM, as resource persons.
Project Director-cum-Special PCCF, SBFP, SBS Bhadauria, in his opening remarks on the inaugural day stressed on the importance of taking the training seriously and gave a brief on the state of Sikkim’s forests and importance of forests to the people here.
Dr. Ram Prakash was present as chief guest for the inaugural session and commented that Sikkim has developed very well. The state is clean, well maintained and the people are well disciplined, he remarked as he went on to advise that all forest officers should work hard and be innovative.

CM lays foundation stone for AmbujaNeotia’s second ambitious project in Sikkim MUNAL KUTIR, A 5-STAR LUXURY RESORT AND SPA COMING UP IN BARFUNG

RABONG, 19 Nov: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling laid the foundation stone of Munal Kutir, an ambitious 5-star luxury resort and spa being developed by the Ambuja Neotia group, at Barfung near here today. The foundation stone laying ceremony was also attended by the Ambuja Neotia Group chairperson Harshavardan Neotia, Cabinet Ministers, MLAs, chairpersons, Zilla Adhakshya and Upadakshya and the government officers.
Mr. Chamling congratulated and thanked Mr. Neotia for bringing in such substantial investments to Sikkim.
Interestingly, this is the second mega project being undertaken by AmbujaNeotia in Sikkim, its first, also a luxury resort, coming up in Pangthang above Gangtok. The foundation stone of that project was also laid by the Chief Minister.
Commenting on the improving profile and increasing number of investors coming to Sikkim, the Chief Minister highlighted that investors were coming to Sikkim because they felt secure here. The arrival of such investors was proof of the good governance and peaceful environment maintained in Sikkim, which, he said, was the biggest achievements of his government.
“The future of Sikkim and its people is bright and more opportunities are awaiting everyone here,” he said.
The CM went on to point out that positive developments in Sikkim were fetching recognition in national and international levels, and should be welcomed with pride by the people. Given the nature of investment he was heralding in the South district village today, the CM remarked that the investment was secure since Sikkim was destined to continue climbing the tourism graph. He mentioned the recent recognition as the must visit destination for 2014 accorded on Sikkim by Lonely Planet magazine and continuing endorsement of Sikkim developmental plans moving in the right direction.
He said that tourist arrivals have been increasing year on year and while at present most of the visitors were domestic tourists, Sikkim was now on the verge of witnessing a surge in foreign tourist arrivals.
Projects such as Munal Kutir, he said, were in preparation of the improving profile of tourism in Sikkim. He also urged Mr. Neotia to involve more locals in this tourism projects. As for the locals, he urged them to upgrade their skills to meet the human resource requirements of a 5-star project in their midst and work towards meeting supplies required for the resort. The project, he highlighted, will be bringing multiple opportunities for the locals. For those willing to seize the opportunities, free training will be provided, he assured.
He also remarked that Sikkim was not being able to leverage the opportunities to the best because the people lacked a sense of belonging and had still not developed a spontaneous sense of ownership. Once this feeling came in, opportunities will no longer be squandered and infrastructure no longer underutilized, he said.
Similarly, the Ambuja Neotia Group chairperson, in his address, shared that Sikkim now felt like home for him and reiterated that he has always received encouragement and support from the Chief Minister. It was this openness which had convinced him to develop another tourism project in Sikkim [after Guras Kutir at Pangthang].
As for the project, Mr. Neotia informed that it will be developed in phases. First, a boutique resort and rooms will be developed, after which villas with modern facilities will be added. Spread across 19 acres, and surrounded by hills with substantial forest cover, Munal Kutir promises to impress when completed.
As mentioned, the property will be built in phases and has been spread out over three chief components- boutique cottages, villas and premium five star hotel with a casino. Phase 1 of the property which comprises the boutique hotel and spa will be completed in two years. This will be followed by phase 2 that entails the premium hotel with casino and the villas.
The property promises to be an eco-friendly resort with amenities like solar water heating, rain water harvesting, composting toilets, energy-efficiency etc.